Five basic things for Google Local Search visibility.

Here are five basic things every business should do for visibility in Google’s Local Search results:

  1. Review your Home page. It should clearly describe what you do, the markets you address. Your description should include common phrases people unfamiliar with the technical aspects of your business would use to look for your products and services.
  2. Review your About page. It should describe who you are and why someone should do business with you. The about page is kind of the on-line version of your “elevator pitch,” and should include a unique selling proposition.
  3. Be sure you have a Google Business Page, that it is current and that the Name Address and Phone number (NAP) posted there are consistent with you’re the information on your Contact page.
  4. Be sure the categories (typically 3 to 5) that are assigned to your Google Business Page accurately reflect what your business does.
  5. Google your own businesses name, address, and phone number individually to be sure all instances of your Business listings agree with your Google Business Page NAP

Need help with optimizing your business for local search? We can help!

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